Saturday, February 6, 2016

Puritan's Pride Coupons: Skin Care Made Simple!

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So I have a friend, she is in her 30s, with perfect skin. No sun damage, no wrinkles, no adult acne…HATE HER!!! I hate her, do we hate her? No, no, no, just kidding as I’m green with envy!! She started asking me about skin care and while I am no expert by any means, I have been around the dermatology block enough times to give her the basics. To make it simple, and easy to understand so I figured I would share. With so many lotions and potions out there and all the photo-shopped pictures, its easy to get overwhelmed for sure. And of course it CAN be done on a budget, no need to break the bank. head to CVS, Walgreens, Eckerd where ever and hit the scary beauty aisle. Deep breath and take a peek, read labels! Would I like to use Le Merevery night? Well of course!!!! But, at $250 for 8oz I think I’m all set. I’m sticking to what works at the right price.images

So Myth number one to dispel – you do not have to use the same brand for everything. Yes they are designed to work together for maximum benefit, but if you find an eye creme you love then use it. Face wash that exfoliates without irritating, go for it. The second big myth is that you need to use department store brands. Nope no way! Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow on her GOOP site is pushing a salmon placenta night creme these days. I mean really?? Fish afterbirth? On my face? Not happening! (Her I really kinda hate, maybe you love her, me not so much).  Anyhoo, the drug store brands are great and can fit your budget. Wallet friendly I tell you! I really like the Oil Of Olay Regenerist line. The one that comes in red pots and tubes. Now I know its been around for 100yrs, you remember it on Great Aunty Tootsie’s apple green bathroom shelf, but there is a reason for that, its good stuff and does what it says! You go ahead and pick the brand that is right for you, experiment a little. The brand is less important than the formula you plug it into. Meaning the steps to be followed to achieve your skin’s nirvana ðŸ˜‰images-1

With skin care basically less is more. You do not need 100 steps to see changes. Cleanser, serum, and moisturizer. That’s the bare essentials. Thats it. Seriously thats all……..CLEANSING: Use an exfoliant if you don’t have sensitive skin, if you do have sensitive skin, use a creme based wash. You want an GLYCOLIC ACID in it which will take the dead dull stuff off that makes you look hungover ;). Heres the trick, use it only once a day. Use those handy dandy makeup wipes at the end of the day. They will cleanse but they won’t be as harsh as the glycolic.  Remember less is more!……. SERUM: This is going to prep your skin to take in the moisturizer. You may want to choose a serum that fades brown spots, or one that adds collagen, targets this and that etc. Whatever your “issue” is, just use it after cleansing but before moisturizing……  MOISTURIZE: Choose one for your type of skin. All skin needs moisturizing, oily, combination, sensitive, dry, acne prone, think of it as healing your skin. Most should have an AHA and or a RETINOL in it. This is the stuff that  allows collagen to re-build. Collagen is your friend. It plumps and makes skin look smoother and younger. Think of some of those Real Housewife’s lips – full of collagen and boy are they plump!  You may want to do a day cream with a sunscreen and a night creme that will rebuild what you lost during the day. Damn cell turnovers a BITCH and makes you look dull and old if it doesn’t happen quickly! That is optional but I recommend it. And just a side note, if you know you don’t drink enough water everyday you might have dehydrated skin, which is not the same as dry. If its dehydrated you might see redness, bumps etc. Drink up ladies and re-evaluate your skin type!

So there you go! That’s the bare bones of skin care. You may go for a facial ( which I recommend at least2x a year) and they slather, lather, and steam. Its wonderful, and relaxing. But often they sell products that most can’t afford, nor have the time to do on a daily basis. Stick to the plan, CLEANSE, SERUM, MOISTURIZE. The graphic below is a good flow chart to help you make sense of it all. Now if you have major acne, rosecea, or another very specific skin issue, defer to your dermatologist, as I’m just a gal who is paying for all that sun damage from way back when, and have learned a thing or two along the way! You can build on the 3 step process with eye cream, wrinkle specific cream etc. Just remember it goes on after the serum but before the moisturizer. Easy Peasy!
Im happy to hear any thoughts or suggestions and answer any questions! If I don’t know the answers, I can research it and send it out to you all. Happy Scrubbing!

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