Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Finding Good Vitamins at Puritan's Pride Coupon

Few consumer items are as mind-boggling as nutritional supplements. Store shelves featuring endless bottles of vitamins, minerals, herbs and essential oils can leave the potential buyer thoroughly confused. How to choose?
Fortunately, doctors spent a lifetime researching nutrition and health, including which forms of nutrients are the most bioactive; that is, have the greatest potential to provide benefits. In every case, the form he recommends is the form he specified for the products sold online via the Vitamin Advisor.
Here are examples of his chief insights among the major supplement classes:
  • Vitamin A: Some forms of supplemental vitamin A, when taken in even moderate daily doses, can be toxic. Dr. Weil specifies the use of mixed carotenoids - these are substances that the body converts to vitamin A, avoiding toxicity potential and maximizing effectiveness.
  • Vitamin D: Inexpensive vitamins tend to contain vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), the kind synthesized by plants. But when humans eat plant-derived D2, it needs to be converted by the body to D3 (choleciferol), the form most readily used by the human body and which skin makes when exposed to ultraviolet light. Although vitamin D2 will contribute to adequate daily intakes, Dr. Weil specifies D3 in his supplements, as this form has been shown to have greater biological activity in human tissue.
  • Vitamin E: In nature, this vitamin is found as a combination of eight different active compounds - four tocopherols, and four tocotrienols. Many manufacturers use inexpensive, synthetic versions of one or only a few of those eight forms. In his supplements, Dr. Weil specifies a complete, naturally derived tocopherol/tocotrienol complex that more closely mirrors the natural vitamin E found in foods.
  • Calcium: Manufacturers make calcium supplements in many forms, including calcium carbonate (the main constituent of chalk, and the most common supplement type), calcium lactate and calcium aspartate. Dr. Weil specifies calcium citrate because it is more easily absorbed, especially by older people who may have less stomach acid. Although more expensive, calcium citrate is more than twice as bioavailable as calcium carbonate.
  • Fish Oils: Oils derived from the fat of cold-water fish are an excellent source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. Unless carefully sourced, however, these otherwise natural compounds can be contaminated with toxic heavy metals. Dr. Weil suggests seeking out products derived from fresh catches and waterways with minimal pollution, and recommends those that have received the highest rating for purity - five out of five stars - from the International Fish Oil Standards program.
"Vitamins and supplements are much like anything else - you generally get what you pay for," says Dr. Weil. "But even very expensive vitamins sometimes miss the mark." He says that one reason he co-directs the Annual Conference on Nutrition and Health; State of the Science & Clinical Applications, which unites the world's leading nutrition researchers, is that it allows him to get the latest news on the best forms of supplements directly from the researchers who investigate them.

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How to Choose a Multivitamin Supplement at Puritan Pride

There are lots of good reasons to take a multivitamin. Even the best eating plans can fall short of meeting all of the 40-plus nutrients you need each day. Most Americans fail to meet dietary recommendations for many reasons, including strict dieting, poor appetite, changing nutritional needs, or less-than-healthy food choices. Taking a once-daily multivitamin is an easy way to fill in small nutritional gaps.
But strolling down the vitamin aisle to choose the best multivitamin can be confusing. With so many different brands and varieties to choose from, it’s hard to know where to begin.

Puritan's pride free shipping plus 10% off offers simple tips to take the guesswork out of the choosing the right multivitamin for you.
Why Take a Multivitamin?
In a nutshell, it’s wise to make sure your diet is complete with all the nutrients needed for health and wellness.
Healthy eating remains the best source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. A multivitamin is not a substitute for healthy food or a healthy lifestyle, but it can provide a nutritional back-up for a less-than-ideal diet. "If your diet eliminates whole food groups or you don’t eat enough variety of foods -- you would benefit from a once-daily multivitamin," says Karen Ansel, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans identified calcium, vitamin D, dietary fiber, and potassium as nutrients of concern for inadequate intake in adults and children. All of these nutrients, except fiber, come packaged in a multivitamin. Fiber can be obtained as a separate supplement, but it's still best to try to get all your fiber from the foods you eat.
Although some evidence questions the benefit of a daily multivitamin and its ability to stave off disease, many people add them to their diet to maintain or boost health.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, more than half of U.S. adults take dietary supplements. Multivitamins are the most commonly used supplement, with 40% of men and women reporting they take a daily multivitamin.

The Harvard School of Public Health suggests a once daily multivitamin with extra vitamin D for most people as a nutritional back-up. The Linus Pauling Institute’s Micronutrient Information Center at Oregon State University suggests taking a multivitamin/mineral supplement with 100% of the Daily Value (DV) for most vitamins and essential minerals to maintain health. Check out Puritan's pride free shipping plus 10% off to save more.